Theosophia Podcast

 In Faith, Paris, Pastor, Website

I was so excited when Sarah Elizabeth Smith featured Ruffled By Grace on the Theosophia Podcast. I love having one foot in the wedding industry and one foot in the church. Whether I am speaking to the industry or from the pulpit, I know that my theology is always the foundation of what I do and say. It is the underpinnings of my business, and what I hope I reflect in the world. Therefore, any chance I get to speak about my theology and share my narrative is a blessing.


Episode 25.1

In my first Episode on Theosophia, I had the chance to share with Sarah a little bit about my own story. From Upstate NY to Paris, I shared our family’s journey. That special journey brought us to our home in France and set before me a new calling. I had the chance to reflect on the steps that led us to take an international call in Paris. It’s no secret that selling all of our earthly goods and moving across the ocean came with a particular set of challenges. However, we were blessed with steadfast community and we were given the chance of a lifetime.


Sharing the Female Voice

Similarly, it’s not everyday that I have the chance to share what it is like to be female and in ministry. With an emphasis on community, breaking bad habits, and pushing boundaries, my own journey reflects both the blessings and challenges of standing in the pulpit as a female. So often, I find that as I look backward and reflect on where I have been, I am able to see how God has molded me for exactly where I am now. Through every past moment, my faithful God has ushered me into my unique present.

Theosophia Podcast

Not sure how a country gal made it into the ministry and all the way to Paris? You can download and listen to the Podcast here. I shared a piece of my journey with Sarah, and had the chance to chat about coming to France as an expat and what it was like to do so as female clergy.

Stayed Tuned for 25.2

I enjoyed having the chance to share my journey with Sarah and her listeners. I also had the chance to share more specifically about my journey toward developing Ruffled By Grace. What a journey this new ministry as a wedding pastor in Paris is!


You can read more about Sarah Elizabeth Smith and her vision for the Theosophia Podcast here.

Lear more about Ruffled By Grace here. Ready to start your own wedding journey? Click here.

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